Riverside Wildlife: Fine Weather for Fish, Frogs and Optimists

Riverside Wildlife: Fine Weather for Fish, Frogs and Optimists

I’ve been braving the elements again, shimmying in the summer rain, rocking the latest waterproof fashions. I know how to live in these conditions (well, I’ve had plenty of practice over the soggy years). I’m even starting to develop an affinity with creatures who thrive in the wet: fish, for example. There’s a place hubs and I go for maximum chill out time called: Killonerry It’s kind of sandy without actually being a beach and it’s a great location for riverside wildlife and fish spotting.

I’m not sure what the fascination is with catching sight of a fish. For hubs, it’s surely an extension of his love of fishing. For me I think it’s about capturing snapshots of nature, connecting with other living things and committing what I have observed to memory. I also love being near to water and find it very calming, the gentle shush of its movement and the feeling that it is all encompassing.

But let’s get back to the fish. We think they’re brown trout and they move as swiftly and cleanly as sun rays. The other day, they were jumping right our of the water, it was very spectacular. We think it was because of the may flies. Have you ever looked closely at a may fly? They are so delicate, like finely tuned, hovering ballerinas in a constant pirouette.

Another creature we were lucky enough to spot was a shy frog who refused to utter a single ‘rebitt’ and barely hopped once we had discovered his hiding place. I stood there for a few minutes, willing him to take action. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that his inner froggy voice was telling him to wait it out until the giant moved on so I duly took my leave.

Killonerry not only offers these evocative scenes but also delivers the odd comedy moment. One day we drove down for some quiet reflection only to be shocked by the appearance of two generously proportioned men wading through the water, white handkerchiefs neatly tied on their heads. It was like a scene from one of those saucy seaside postcards. Needless to say, hubs and I beat a hasty retreat, leaving the two bathers to enjoy their splash about in relative privacy (a small crowd had gathered on the bank!)

Such experiences are great inspiration for writing and the story I’m currently working on certainly draws on local scenery. Much of the action takes place on a beach where a run away couple evaluate their lives and bare their souls (not flabby bits, lol!)

I’m also heading to a poetry evening at Carrick on Suir’s Brewery Lane tonight. I really don’t know what to expect as I have never been there before, in fact I haven’t done any reading since moving to Ireland three and a half years ago. No doubt, my papers will be quivering as I stand up to deliver a poem or two. I will let you know if I survive to tell the tale.

Picture sourced at: http://bit.ly/A0SHlp

Riverside Wildlife: Fine Weather for Fish, Frogs and Optimists

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