Tag: books

  • Heart Strings Extract: Roadtrip

    Heart Strings Extract: Roadtrip

    This Romantic Adventure completely reflects my love of the beach. I grew up near the sea and would often head down to the water’s edge when I needed some thinking time. ‘Roadtrip’ is about taking that time out with a best friend and discovering that the relationship may be deeper than first thought.

  • One Wedding, One Day-Trip, One Olympic Ceremony

    One Wedding, One Day-Trip, One Olympic Ceremony

    I’m just back from a trip home to Wales where I attended the wedding of a close friend, took a day-trip to Hay-on-Wye and experienced ‘spectating gold’ by watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony!

  • Lost in Kilkenny & Writing Wisdom

    Lost in Kilkenny & Writing Wisdom

      Hubs and I got lost on one of our Countryside drives last week. Although it took us by surprise and I felt as though I should be alarmed, I was secretly delighted. There we were in the wild depths of County Kilkenny (we knew that much) not knowing what was going to happen or…

  • Romancing the Bric-a-Brac

    Romancing the Bric-a-Brac

    Why am I only now finding out that the traditional 2nd Wedding Anniversary gift is cotton?  I could have got clothes, I need a Summer wardrobe, that’s if we’re getting a Summer this year (don’t want to jinx it!) What I did get for my anniversary though was a glorious sunny day trip to a…

  • When Heels and Nature Collide

    When Heels and Nature Collide

    Imagine . . . me in a red dress and heels tottering along the gravelly path towards one of Ireland’s most stunning, unspoiled tourist attractions: Mahon Falls.  Yes, I know I was dressed inappropriately, I was having a smart day ok?  I have those sometimes . . .at the wrong times, obviously. Anyway, it was…

  • Memories of a Multicoloured Mullet

    Memories of a Multicoloured Mullet

    I was at a 21st birthday party on Saturday and it started me thinking about my own celebrations a few (aherm) years ago.  Instead of looking a vision in pink with glittering gold heels (as Saturday’s birthday girl did) I wore leather trousers, a zip top and a bright red and orange ‘Toyah’ style wig. …

  • Ferry Fiasco

    Ferry Fiasco

    Twenty-five hours stuck on a ferry.  That was the agonising conclusion to my pre-Easter break.  No magazines or books to read (it was meant to be a short, overnight crossing), the film on our laptop refused to play.  My suitcase was in the hold so I couldn’t even fish out a glamorous dress and pretend…

  • Living by Impulse, Movies and Caterpillars

    Living by Impulse, Movies and Caterpillars

    A ‘Live for the Moment’ Philosophy only works if you can persuade your other half to believe in it too.  That’s what I found out this morning when (attempting to recapture some of my youthful impulsiveness) I said:  ‘The weather’s stunning, let’s go out for the day, there may be no tomorrow.’  Unfortunately hubs is…

  • Rugby, Frogspawn and a Little Gold Dress

    Rugby, Frogspawn and a Little Gold Dress

    I’ve had an adrenalin fuelled weekend in which all of the above have combined to inspire today’s blogpost.  The adrenalin mainly flowed whilst I was perched on the edge of my sofa watching Wales in a physical, heart-stopping game against England.  You’d think I’d played the match myself!  Well, they do say watching sport can…