Tag: creative writing workshops

  • Micropoetry Inspired by Nature

    Micropoetry Inspired by Nature

    I’ve been sharing this micropoetry on Twitter and Facebook over the last few weeks. But it’s always satisfying to gather thoughts, moments and poems, into a place where they might make sense, or at least be kept safe. So, take a look, have a ponder, and let me know if any particular poem appeals and…

  • The Godmother and Creative Writing Guru

    The Godmother and Creative Writing Guru

    I became a Godmother recently and began teaching a Creative Writing Class, hence the completely over the top Blog Post title. My husband actually suggested I call myself a Creative Writing Guru. I just giggled. For some reason the word Guru conjurs up visions of a floaty, pashmina clad me.

  • Story Wise: A Short Story Workshop

    Story Wise: A Short Story Workshop

    It’s official! I’m branching out into Creative Writing tuition starting with a Short Story Workshop. For those of you still humming and hawing about whether to book a place here are a few ‘Story Wise’ secrets to give you a flavour of the workshop . . .