Onstage Story, Part 2 – The Mask of Ophelia
“Now.” The word signals the start of the rescue operation. Leonardo swoops on the foundation, measuring out the exact amount required for each cheek and for Martha’s high forehead. He dots, blends and expands, taking the reddish hue from her skin, replacing it with a pale sheen: the mask of Ophelia.
Japanese Dragon – Flash Fiction
He has a gold smile and a bell at his throat. He guards me as I write. He was a present from Japan – a place I have never been to, never will go to. I am no traveller, yet, I am drawn to delicate portrayals of Japanese life: a bridge, a hut, bright flowers.
When Heels and Nature Collide
Imagine . . . me in a red dress and heels tottering along the gravelly path towards one of Ireland’s most stunning, unspoiled tourist attractions: Mahon Falls. Yes, I know I was dressed inappropriately, I was having a smart day ok? I have those sometimes . . .at the wrong times, obviously. Anyway, it was…