Tag: flash fiction

  • Japanese Dragon – Flash Fiction

    Japanese Dragon – Flash Fiction

    He has a gold smile and a bell at his throat. He guards me as I write. He was a present from Japan – a place I have never been to, never will go to. I am no traveller, yet, I am drawn to delicate portrayals of Japanese life: a bridge, a hut, bright flowers.

  • Flash Fiction: Maple Leaf

    Flash Fiction: Maple Leaf

    The maple leaf stops them. Its veiny palm invites examination, as peach and pale green cross shades. Autumn does this to maple leaves; scorns their attempts to cling onto their tree of birth, strikes them down, flattens their flame. And then, somebody finds the leaf, finds charm in its crown-like edges, its slight resemblance to…

  • Outside the Window

    Outside the Window

    Waterford Writers’ Weekend is fast approaching and I will be leading a workshop called ‘Get Flashy with Fiction’ on Saturday, May 9th. The workshop will run from 10.30 am until 12.30 pm at Central Library, Waterford.

  • Finding Time to Write

    Finding Time to Write

    Finding time to write has become more of a challenge since giving birth to my baby girl. Ok, let’s be honest here, finding time to do anything other than look after her has become a challenge! However, as she skips past the ten week mark old (yes, 10 weeks!) I can cheerfully say ‘I am…

  • 2013 Revisited, 2014 Just Begun

    2013 Revisited, 2014 Just Begun

    It’s natural, when entering a new year, to look back at the previous twelve months and I must say, 2013 was a very positive year for me.

  • Editing, Character Sketching & Workshop News

    I’m in the middle of editing two pieces of work that I feel have a lot of potential. The first piece is a short story, set against a flourishing landscape. I falteringly call it a love story, but it’s primarily about self discovery and challenge.

  • Writing Round-up and a Word about Minions

    Writing Round-up and a Word about Minions

    A Writing Round-up seems timely at a stage where I’m halfway through the year, have been working very hard and have a few successes to report! So, here goes:

  • The Lismore Immrama Experience

    The Lismore Immrama Experience

    I got my first taste of the Lismore Immrama Festival of Travel Writing at the weekend. Despite the name, the festival is not just about travel and offers a wide variety of events, with something to interest everyone. As I’ve recently been reading ‘The Famine in Waterford’, I decided to attend a lecture by Donald…

  • Old and Free: Flash Fiction

    Her song finds the spiders each morning, moves along the webs until they quaver. It doesn’t occur to her to dust or hoover the creatures away. They are hers. She admires their composition. Legs, a bare tremble. Heads, like black tears.