Tag: garden birds

  • Flash Fiction: The Birds Tick Time

    Flash Fiction: The Birds Tick Time

    The birds tick time outside my door. I count the seconds, the colours. Such small lives. The bluetits and coaltits are the everyday ordinaries. If they were human they would wear a suit and tie, hold on to their jobs for dear life.

  • When Swallow Chicks Fledge

    When Swallow Chicks Fledge

    Our swallow chicks have fledged already! It seems they were an early brood. One minute, Hubs and I were gazing up, trying to count the number of feathery faces; the next, we were looking at an empty nest.

  • Blossom, Bird Fights and Bumblebees

    Blossom, Bird Fights and Bumblebees

    Right now, I have a stunning view from my window. The tree across the road is wearing a badge of blossom. It looks like a wedding guest, proud to show off some fresh blooms for the occasion.

  • The Fearless Mistle Thrush

    The Fearless Mistle Thrush

    The mistle thrush is a proud character, who first came to my attention last spring. He is back again this year and hard to miss.

  • A Gathering of Birds

    A Gathering of Birds

    I’ve noticed a gathering of birds in my garden, lately. Not a menacing gathering, reminiscent of Daphne du Maurier’s ‘The Birds’, but a bright, babbling chorus of goldfinch, chaffinch, blackbird, wagtail and swallow.

  • Walking in the Snow, Birds of Faith

    Walking in the Snow, Birds of Faith

    I went walking in the snow on Saturday. It wasn’t intentional. Hubs and I had been out most of the day, seeing family and shopping at the supermarket. A walk seemed like the perfect tonic, a moment just for us.