Tag: Poem

  • Lost Summer – Poem

    Lost Summer – Poem

    The sea is more than foam and see through water. It is memory and it is living.  Although I live quite far away from the sea these days, I carry both its sparkle and its raging turbulence – I have seen all of its moods and when I come back into its presence, I think…

  • For Dylan – a Poem on Dylan Day

    For Dylan – a Poem on Dylan Day

    You of the spiral-shell curls; the sea-chained voice. No wonder the waves made a play for your soul . . .

  • In Bloom – for Poetry Day Ireland

    In Bloom – for Poetry Day Ireland

    When I heard that this year’s theme for Poetry Day Ireland was ‘There will be Time’, I thought of this poem.  ‘In Bloom’ is a poem of childhood – the stage of life when we think we have so much time, when time seems to open up before us.  For me, it opened up as…

  • Leaping Fairy – A Poem for Good Friday

    Leaping Fairy – A Poem for Good Friday

    I’ve always been fascinated by the story of the Cottingley Fairies. At the age of seven, the thought of two girls managing to capture images of the most illusive of creatures was sustaining.  If there could be proof of magic, there could be proof that life was extraordinary and I would continue to believe. Some…

  • Crown – Poem

    Crown – Poem

    This new poem, ‘Crown’ is inspired by the threat of coronavirus and examines the image of the crown (corona, in Latin) as an unwanted fate.  The closest we can get to ‘running free’ in these circumstances is to get outside for some fresh air.  I have been particularly moved by video footage of Italian people,…

  • Changeover – Spring Poem

    Changeover – Spring Poem

    The poem, ‘Changeover’ was written after a spell of extreme weather and holds a lot of hope. There may be a few storms left to come, but I’m ready to welcome spring. There is certainly a little more light in the day — daffodils and crocuses are raising their heads and when we do get…

  • Valentine’s Day – Poem

    Valentine’s Day – Poem

    I see Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms. Last year, I was treated to homemade heart-shaped biscuits in bed, delivered by my eldest daughter, who is now five.  They were delicious! My husband can be romantic, on occasion, and sometimes surprises me with a special gift or gesture. One…

  • Black Widow – Halloween Poem

    Black Widow – Halloween Poem

    There are a number of inspirations behind this new poem, ‘Black Widow’, which I decided to share especially for Halloween.  My daughters love superheroes and my eldest owns a book of Avengers stories, featuring Black Widow. I started thinking about the fact that she is the only female Avenger and remembered the questions that were…

  • The Only Truth – For National Poetry Day

    The Only Truth – For National Poetry Day

    Your body enfolds me piece by piece. In this womb I dream of awakened faces, loved ones I’ve lost . . .