Off the Rails for Poetry Day Ireland
Off the Rails At midnight, the town travels, swallowed as snake joined, dot to dot houses, breathing through windows, illusion borne currents, electric gold, mirrored and flaming. In my mind, I control it, a plastic snake snapping, each click of each segment a jut of its hipless, wavering song. Holding the train between thumb and…
The Apple Tree and Storm Ophelia
‘The apple tree throws down its dead and we kneel, fools for its blackened, overripe flesh.’
Spider Nut – Poetry
Licorice legs and a walnut shell. You could be a crab, tired of the grainy shore, the glucose whirl of a gluey sea.
Micropoetry: This Moss is her Island
This moss is her island, its dewy green . . .
Micropoetry – Piebald Rug & Flood
Burgundy-earth patches on cream, soft as calla lily.
Poetry – Pebbles
Tricoloured pebbles, the sand stepping-stones of a shuffling huddle, or shifting land – a clinking crowd at ground.
Poetry – To Ahenny
To Ahenny where slate spills from the land like prehistoric teeth. I bite back, snap with my new camera, angled for scenic views, fail to capture that dead outreach,
Rediscovering The Sea
I wanted to go to the sea, realised I hadn’t been in almost a year. Why? I love the sea. I grew up with it. I think it was something to do with being pregnant. In the first trimester, I felt sick and scared about what was going to happen to my body. In the…
Finding Time to Write
Finding time to write has become more of a challenge since giving birth to my baby girl. Ok, let’s be honest here, finding time to do anything other than look after her has become a challenge! However, as she skips past the ten week mark old (yes, 10 weeks!) I can cheerfully say ‘I am…