Tag: riverside wildlife

  • Poetry – Heron

    Poetry – Heron

    A solitary heron, silver-grey, his stature great, resides within the river village, old man hunched and scouring.

  • Walking by the River

    Walking by the River

    I love walking by the river in Carrick-on-Suir. The water always looks so fresh and cool. Sometimes it’s possible to distinguish black flickers of fish in the depths. Swans parade like floating snowdrops and on a sunny day the sky presses, only offering a bare trace of breeze.

  • Sunshine and Swallows after Editing #Writetip

    Sunshine and Swallows after Editing #Writetip

    Editing can be a tricky process. In fact, I feel I’ve only grasped the concept of editing over the last couple of years. Before that, I used to pick, delicately at my writing. These days, I’m more of a hacker.

  • A Walk on the Cahir Side #Nature

    A Walk on the Cahir Side #Nature

    Ducklings, cygnets on the verge of becoming swans, adult swans – these were the sights that met my eyes as I arrived in Cahir, County Tipperary, last Friday. The cygnets were like mousy adolescents – unsure of themselves in the company of swans, but brave enough to chase a duckling or two! Hubs and I…

  • Riverside Wildlife: Fine Weather for Fish, Frogs and Optimists

    Riverside Wildlife: Fine Weather for Fish, Frogs and Optimists

    I’ve been braving the elements again, shimmying in the summer rain, rocking the latest waterproof fashions, discovering riverside wildlife.I know how to live in these conditions (well, I’ve had plenty of practice over the soggy years).