Tag: romantic fiction

  • Springwatch, The French Open and Booksales

    Springwatch, The French Open and Booksales

    I try not to watch too much television, but with Springwatch airing all this week and the French Open Tennis Tournament taking place, I’m finding it hard to resist the remote and sofa combo! Springwatch is being shown in the afternoon as well as the evening this series, making it doubly difficult to concentrate on…

  • Heart Strings Extract for Valentines Day

    Heart Strings Extract for Valentines Day

    I decided to post this romantic extract from my short story collection: Heart Strings, in honour of Valentines Day. ‘Teachers in Love’ is a love story (obviously) and the one part of the collection which fits that genre completely.

  • New Year New Writing Dreams

    New Year New Writing Dreams

    On this second day of the new year I’m thinking about new writing dreams and all that I hope to achieve in 2013. As usual, I haven’t made any new year’s resolutions but I have made a plan.

  • Heart Strings Extract: The Move

    Heart Strings Extract: The Move

    ‘The Move’ is about a bitter rivalry, brewing between two residents in a small Irish Town. Having lived in London for ten years, Tina has returned home to live in a remote cottage, left to her by a great Aunt.

  • Heart Strings Extract: Roadtrip

    Heart Strings Extract: Roadtrip

    This Romantic Adventure completely reflects my love of the beach. I grew up near the sea and would often head down to the water’s edge when I needed some thinking time. ‘Roadtrip’ is about taking that time out with a best friend and discovering that the relationship may be deeper than first thought.

  • Ebook Launch: Heart Strings by K. S. Moore

    Ebook Launch: Heart Strings by K. S. Moore

    I’ve just published my collection of Short Stories: ‘Heart Strings’ as an ebook on Amazon. Cue fanfare, fireworks, champagne corks popping . . . Yes, you guessed it, I’m celebrating! 🙂 Join the fun by hopping over to: