Tag: Self Publishing

  • Ghost Writer ebook Launch!

    Ghost Writer ebook Launch!

    It’s true, my first ebook is live and available to buy from Amazon!  ‘Live’ seems a bit of a contradiction in terms considering the title but I’m sure the ghost won’t complain!  He will probably just be grateful for the chance to have a platform from which to spook people with 😉 .  I wonder…

  • Heart to Heart

    Heart to Heart

    Apparently the Valentines gift you buy for your other half depends on the stage your relationship is at.  If you’ve just met gifts may be completely inappropriate.  If you’ve been together a few months a card and a small gift are recommended.  Beyond this stage I’m sorry to say I do not know the protocol…

  • Inspired by ‘Elf’

    I watched ‘Elf” over the weekend and it got me thinking about the limits society places on us. Deep stuff huh? Who would have thought Will Ferrell could provoke this line of thinking? In fact, comedy can be very insightful, zoning in on our fears, what causes embarassment, what makes us feel ridiculous. I’m not…