Tag: story wise

  • Arty Foodie Creative Writing

    Arty Foodie Creative Writing

    I’m really looking forward to teaching a Creative Writing Workshop at Bridge House, Dungarvan this Saturday. The workshop is being held in association with Storytelling Southeast, a Writing Festival which occurs in Autumn. The festival team also support art and literature events throughout the year.

  • Reflections on Easter Walks and Wildlife

    I’ve been enjoying a peaceful and reflective Easter, filled with walks and wildlife. It started with the sun on Good Friday, when hubs and I decided to revisit a favourite walk, last undertaken in May of 2012.

  • Story Wise Creative Writing Workshop

    Story Wise Creative Writing Workshop

    The Story Wise Creative Writing Workshop is back! This time, taking place in Clonmel and Dungarvan, offering people the chance to learn to write a short story in a day!

  • The Seaside Explorers at Stradbally

    The Seaside Explorers at Stradbally

    If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that hubs and I are enthusiastic seaside explorers. We’re out in all weathers, just waiting for the thrill of sand underfoot and waves on the horizon. Our latest adventure took place in Stradbally, County Waterford.

  • No Snow just Soup and the Jack Frost Handshake

    No Snow just Soup and the Jack Frost Handshake

    I hope I’m not going to jinx Waterford by saying this but we seem to have escaped the snow. That’s not to say Jack Frost hasn’t shaken us firmly by the numb hand. We did experience a gentle flurry yesterday, but it never looked close to delivering the full horror of a snowstorm.

  • The Godmother and Creative Writing Guru

    The Godmother and Creative Writing Guru

    I became a Godmother recently and began teaching a Creative Writing Class, hence the completely over the top Blog Post title. My husband actually suggested I call myself a Creative Writing Guru. I just giggled. For some reason the word Guru conjurs up visions of a floaty, pashmina clad me.