Tag: walt disney

  • Off to see the Wizard, Picnics & Poetry

    Off to see the Wizard, Picnics & Poetry

    We were off the see the Wizard last Sunday, having bought cinema tickets for Oz the Great and Powerful. The film made my weekend, with its stunning fantasy world and a tug at childhood memories.

  • The Ginger Kitten and Queen of the Doorstep

    The Ginger Kitten and Queen of the Doorstep

    The Ginger Kitten and Queen of the Doorstep. I saw the sweetest little ginger kitten the other day.  She was snuggled up to her Mum on the mat outside my in-laws’ house.  As soon as my husband and I approached, she ran underneath a nearby stool, peeking from her new safe spot and mewing piteously. …