Tag: wild rabbits

  • When Swallow Chicks Fledge

    When Swallow Chicks Fledge

    Our swallow chicks have fledged already! It seems they were an early brood. One minute, Hubs and I were gazing up, trying to count the number of feathery faces; the next, we were looking at an empty nest.

  • Summer of the Rabbit

    Summer of the Rabbit

    Well, I think we can safely say the summer is here. Never mind the rain, like last year, we have swallow chicks and baby bunnies residing in our garden. It was Hubs who spotted the first rabbit, darting under our shed.

  • Missing Swansea, Cherishing Wildlife

    Missing Swansea, Cherishing Wildlife

    I’m missing Swansea this week; the place, the feel, my family and friends back home. I enjoy life in Ireland but sometimes I just get this ache . . . It’s probably because it’s over four months since my last visit.

  • Swallows and Rabbits, the Story Continues

    Swallows and Rabbits, the Story Continues

    Swallows and rabbits, oh my! Yes, I am happy to confirm that the swallows are back and a rabbit has taken up residence in my garden. I’m delighted, it’s just a pity the weather can’t stay as even-tempered!

  • Wild Rabbits with Memories of Watership Down

    Wild Rabbits with Memories of Watership Down

    I’ve been seeing wild rabbits everywhere, in people’s gardens, at the side of the road, emerging from woodland. None of them have been white or have caused me to fall into a pit and hallicinate so I think I’m safe enough 😉 .