Backstage Story, Part 1 – The Mask of Ophelia
The Mask of Ophelia The Mask of Ophelia is a short story set in the theatre, written at a time when I was writing a lot of stories and flash fiction and not so much poetry, believe it or not! Part 1 tells the Backstage Story, where Martha, (who has been cast as Ophelia), awaits…
Flash Fiction: Soap-White
She assumes her position at the sink, everything greasy from the day’s befores. She scrubs at silver insides; the eternal circle from clean to unclean. The water pounds in and she thinks of the river; a rat’s tail – just the tail, moving through rushes.
Rediscovering The Sea
I wanted to go to the sea, realised I hadn’t been in almost a year. Why? I love the sea. I grew up with it. I think it was something to do with being pregnant. In the first trimester, I felt sick and scared about what was going to happen to my body. In the…
Grasshopper, Caterpillar, Mushroom Cake!
It seems we have a friendly grasshopper, content to stretch out on our doorstep and chirp a greeting. Obviously, he doesn’t realise his size puts him in great danger of being stepped on! He’s so relaxed that my husband was able to take a very detailed close up of him.
The Fearless Mistle Thrush
The mistle thrush is a proud character, who first came to my attention last spring. He is back again this year and hard to miss.
Writing Round-up and a Word about Minions
A Writing Round-up seems timely at a stage where I’m halfway through the year, have been working very hard and have a few successes to report! So, here goes: