Tag: writing short stories

  • Poetry and Stories Make the Heart Sing

    Poetry and Stories Make the Heart Sing

    I’m taking a break from the novel this week. As I mentioned in my previous post, I have managed to fill a major gap, but when I started to look at a couple of other chapters that needed a reshape, I found myself getting a sinking, sludgy feeling that I didn’t like one bit. So,…

  • Story Wise Workshop at Garter Lane

    It’s time to get Story Wise! This workshop should interest writers looking to improve their story-writing technique and offers the opportunity to ‘Write a Story in a Day’ in a relaxed and friendly environment, with support at every stage.

  • No Snow just Soup and the Jack Frost Handshake

    No Snow just Soup and the Jack Frost Handshake

    I hope I’m not going to jinx Waterford by saying this but we seem to have escaped the snow. That’s not to say Jack Frost hasn’t shaken us firmly by the numb hand. We did experience a gentle flurry yesterday, but it never looked close to delivering the full horror of a snowstorm.

  • Story Wise: A Short Story Workshop

    Story Wise: A Short Story Workshop

    It’s official! I’m branching out into Creative Writing tuition starting with a Short Story Workshop. For those of you still humming and hawing about whether to book a place here are a few ‘Story Wise’ secrets to give you a flavour of the workshop . . .