Tag: Writing

  • Backstage Story, Part 1 – The Mask of Ophelia

    Backstage Story, Part 1 – The Mask of Ophelia

    The Mask of Ophelia The Mask of Ophelia is a short story set in the theatre, written at a time when I was writing a lot of stories and flash fiction and not so much poetry, believe it or not!  Part 1 tells the Backstage Story, where Martha, (who has been cast as Ophelia), awaits…

  • Flash Fiction: Soap-White

    Flash Fiction: Soap-White

    She assumes her position at the sink, everything greasy from the day’s befores. She scrubs at silver insides; the eternal circle from clean to unclean. The water pounds in and she thinks of the river; a rat’s tail – just the tail, moving through rushes.

  • Flash Fiction: The Crowd

    The crowd surge forward. They all wear blue. Despite the uniformity, I pick out faces. Each expression is unique. I focus on a young man – his brown eyes are round and expectant. His childish complexion gives him a glow. I don’t want to see him dashed.

  • Rediscovering The Sea

    I wanted to go to the sea, realised I hadn’t been in almost a year.  Why?  I love the sea.  I grew up with it.  I think it was something to do with being pregnant.  In the first trimester, I felt sick and scared about what was going to happen to my body.  In the…

  • Grasshopper, Caterpillar, Mushroom Cake!

    Grasshopper, Caterpillar, Mushroom Cake!

    It seems we have a friendly grasshopper, content to stretch out on our doorstep and chirp a greeting. Obviously, he doesn’t realise his size puts him in great danger of being stepped on! He’s so relaxed that my husband was able to take a very detailed close up of him.

  • The Fearless Mistle Thrush

    The Fearless Mistle Thrush

    The mistle thrush is a proud character, who first came to my attention last spring. He is back again this year and hard to miss.

  • Writing Round-up and a Word about Minions

    Writing Round-up and a Word about Minions

    A Writing Round-up seems timely at a stage where I’m halfway through the year, have been working very hard and have a few successes to report! So, here goes:

  • Story Wise Creative Writing Workshop

    Story Wise Creative Writing Workshop

    The Story Wise Creative Writing Workshop is back! This time, taking place in Clonmel and Dungarvan, offering people the chance to learn to write a short story in a day!

  • The Gingerbread House and Scotch Egg Story

    The Gingerbread House and Scotch Egg Story

    You know you’ve had a successful shopping trip when you return home with a Gingerbread house and a packet of Scotch Eggs. Yes, I’m easily pleased, not for me the finery and luxury of a silk blouse or the exquisite tailoring of an expensive wrap dress.