I’m in the middle of editing two pieces of work that I feel have a lot of potential. The first piece is a short story, set against a flourishing landscape. I falteringly call it a love story, but it’s primarily about self discovery and challenge. I’ve been looking at competitions and submission opportunities that might suit this piece and came across Mslexia’s themed new writing. The current theme is ‘Troubled Minds’. As the heroine of my story suffers with anxiety, it could be worth a try.
- Trees play a big part in my latest short story . . . photophilde / Foter / CC BY-SA
The second piece of work is flash fiction. I’ve edited this piece extensively and finally feel happy with it. However, there aren’t that many magazines that accept flash fiction and the only competition I’ve been able to find is one being run by The New Writer. Microfiction is just one of three categories, currently open for entries. You can enter 2 x microfictions for £5, so it’s not a bad deal. Although, I prefer competitions that are free to enter!
Staying on the theme of flash fiction, you may remember ‘Old and Free’, which I published on the blog, back in June. The piece went on to be shortlisted for International Flash Fiction Competition: Flash Mob 2013 and has now been accepted for publication at Metazen. Metazen is great, as they feature a single story every day of the week and tend to publish unusual types of fiction. My story will be available to read on Friday, November 22nd.
Meanwhile, I’m pressing on with a novel idea! I’m just at the very early stages, so some major character sketching is taking place . . . I’ve taken two characters from a short story, I wrote a while ago and I’m expanding on their personalities, their backgrounds and potential for adventure.
In workshop news, ‘Start Write’ will now be taking place at two venues – on Saturday 23rd November, at Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford and on Saturday 30th November at Clonmel Craft Studio. Garter Lane are currently accepting bookings on the website for the 23rd and there will be more about this exciting collaboration on the blog, next week.
‘Start Write’ offers a general introduction to Creative Writing. It would be perfect for beginners, or those who have done a little writing and would like to learn more about sustaining creative momentum, establishing a routine and believing in themselves. If you would like further information, please email karen@ksmoore.com.