New Year Mayhem

For someone who expressed an interest in shopping in previous posts I have had very litttle to do with new year sales.  I went to a large department store where I purchased the holy grail of clothing essentials: a pair of black trousers.  Needless to say the trousers were not in the sale and I’m still not sure whether I should have bought them!  I also skirted warily around my favourite shoe shop the other day, trying to avoid the sticky out elbows, backsides and other accoutrements of my fellow shoppers. Amidst the mayhem I anxiously assessed that only one pair of boots I liked was available in my size.  Feeling too crowded to comfortably try them on I retreated and haven’t been brave enough to go back since.

In other news, we celebrated Hubs’ birthday yesterday (albeit a little guiltily).  With all the Christmas / New Year excess we felt as though we should be back to work, not skipping off to the cinema, chomping on an interesting mix of jelly bean flavours (thanks Mum) and devouring crsips and biscuit cake (thanks Mum-in-law).  The guilt was obviously only shrugged off for a day though as here I am dutifully blogging while he is working on our new home to be.

There’s no doubt, it’s tough returning to reality following the good-natured chaos that is Christmas.  The most difficult decision is which writing project to pursue next.  Thanks to some advice I received on Twittter and a chat with Hubs  I think I’m going to quietly work on an extended short story which will help me get up to speed before turning to novel writing.  I have high hopes for the new year.  I just hope my pen can do the talking . . .

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