New Year New Writing Dreams

A pen in the middle of written text

On this second day of the new year I’m thinking about new writing dreams and all that I hope to achieve in 2013.  As usual, I haven’t made any new year’s resolutions but I have made a plan.  My plan is to complete a second ebook, this time a novel.  I’m thinking this book will be a little easier to market as it will be a complete, full length, work of fiction and will be of a definite genre. Despite this, it’s always hard, labelling your own work.  Choosing just one phrase to sum it up, never seems to be enough! I would call the new book ‘women’s fiction’, ‘romantic fiction’ and possibly ‘Irish Fiction’ because, although I am Welsh the story is set in Ireland.  Confusing stuff isn’t it?

One of the marketing tips for independent authors is to align yourself with a big name author.  I’m going to step up here and say my work could be compared to that of Maeve Binchy as it is set in a small Irish town and features a number of characters whose life stories intertwine. To be completely accurate I would describe it as Binchy, with an edge.   Obviously, I’m writing from a younger perspective and as a Welsh woman who has moved to Ireland, my observations of Irish life will be a little more distanced and different aspects will stand out for me.

I’m enjoying the challenge though and speaking of challenges . . . I’m starting work on another new project this year: The Clonea Rathgormack Notes due to feature in the Munster Express! For anyone who isn’t local, The Munster Express is a weekly paper covering the following areas of Ireland: Waterford City and County, South Kilkenny, Carrick-on-Suir, South Tipperary, New Ross and South Wexford.  The paper contains a section dedicated to local news called ‘Townlands’.  Until now, the Clonea / Rathgormack area was not represented in this section so it is a real honour to be the person taking on responsibility for this new coverage.

On a personal note, Hubs is celebrating a significant birthday today, although ‘celebrating’ does little to describe our activities today.  We are over at his workshop.  I’m in the office bit where an Internet connection was recently restored.  It’s very cold and we are looking forward to a hot  lunch in town (my treat).  I also owe hubs a trip to the cinema, (we’re waiting until something decent comes on!)  Meanwhile, I’m blogging and he’s slogging to perfect his 3D printer.  Our lives could never be described as ordinary!