Outside the Window

Outside the Window – Micropoetry

Waterford Writers’ Weekend is fast approaching and I will be leading a workshop called ‘Get Flashy with Fiction’ on Saturday, May 9th.  The workshop will run from 10.30 am until 12.30 pm at Central Library, Waterford.  Admission is free and you can book a place here.

As preparation for the workshop, I’ve been working on many short pieces of fiction, including micropoetry.  Since becoming a mum, I don’t always get out of the house as often as I would like, so just taking a look outside and writing about what I see can help with subject matter.   Here are three examples:


A squirrel thunders across the shed,
a strawberry blonde bombshell,
overshadowed by swallow –
indigo wings to white curve,
stating summer.

Red squirrel.
Red squirrel.


I wait for the mist
to uncurl, reveal
enchanted silver,
upright body of tree.


The berries are spectators
hanging out of seats,
as if they might dart
into the road, share their
violet pleas,
before birds
pierce them.

K. S. Moore.

I hope you enjoyed reading these short, observational poems.  Why not take a look outside your window for your own inspiration?  There are so many seasonal changes taking place and poetry can capture a moment better than any other form of literature.

Photo credit: bzd1 / Source / CC BY-NC-ND

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