Shiver – Storm Poem

Fallen trees after a storm.

Shiver is a poem for storm season, and for those internal storms that can sweep through our relationships, sometimes causing damage that cannot be mended.

I often write about the links between nature and music.  For me, there is a melody in all that blows and batters and soaks, just as there is in the growth and blossom of living things.  These forces can be overwhelming, but if we weather them, they can also be instrumental in a process of renewal.


Storm Poem

The wind soothsays in the key of G, sighing,
I match my tone to his.
In our duet I hold out strong, harmonise

while he exhales, one lowing note that
swoops, rounds, clarifies
everything I know in a wild sonata.

I close the window, end his song, believe
in me, my solo pending, yet my vocal chords
are searching for the accompaniment, now lost.

And so I let him back in,
let his gushing presence blow my sound.

Until I am left, a shiver of myself,
undermined to the bone.

K. S. Moore

(First published in And Other Poems, 2013)

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