Write a Short Story, Find the Spring

Frog and lily pad flower

Frog and lily pad flower
It’s a frog’s life but pink makes everything better . . .

I thoroughly enjoyed teaching a Creative Writing workshop over the weekend.  The aim was to write a short story in one day and the attendees rose to the challenge with breathtaking results.  I can’t reveal too many story secrets but will say that the quality of writing was very high.  There were a few comic moments, some beautiful descriptive work and some lively pieces of dialogue created.  With the opening exercises, designed to inspire and encourage the pen to flow, we moved swiftly into writing a complete short story, ensuring that the planning and character backgrounds were in place.

Rather than sit there twiddling my thumbs, I joined the scribbling and found the opening scenes of a short story which I completed yesterday.  It’s set in the theatre and has a touch of ‘Black Swan’ about it.  I’m thinking I might enter it for a competiton but it will need a bit of tweaking before it is ready.  It’s the first time in a long time, that I’ve written a piece of fiction just because I was inspired.  This story would not fit into any book I am working on.  For that reason, it feels very precious.

The other highlight of my weekend was frogspawn, (yes, I’m easily pleased).  It’s the time of year when hubs and I venture into the woods to find Spring.  That sounds very whimsical doesn’t it?  But the pursuit of this particular sign does involve an extra long walk in woodland conditions and lots of minding where my feet are going.  Apart from that, there are many reasons why I find Frogspawn fascinating.  Here is a selection:

  • It reminds me of childhood
  • It’s like jelly without the icecream
  • There are lots of lil black fellas wriggling around in the tadpole equivalent of a bouncy castle!
  • It means there will be new frogs to swim, leap and ribbit about the place.
  • It symbolises new life.
  • It heralds the new season of Spring.

The only key ingredient missing from last weekend was Rugby.  As you may know, I am a massive fan of the 6 Nations tournament, which is currently in progress. Unfortunately, there are weekend breaks when you find yourself hopefully scanning the TV schedule for a glimpse of rugger, only to be disappointed.  The men in red (my team) will not be in action until next weekend when they will tackle the mighty Scots, who have been enjoying a renaissance of late.

This meeting of hearts and clash of the burlies is unlikely to be easy.  The Scottish have a spy in the camp, in the form of Scott Johnson: former caretaker manager of Wales.  He may look happy and relaxed but under that friendly surface you can be sure he has the mind of a winner.  He is certainly helping to turn fortunes around.  Wales need to be wary and strong.  Let’s hope Ryan Jones continues to demonstrate clear leadership skills and positive play.

Meanwhile, Ireland are preparing to host the unpredictable France.  Their main concern is the question mark over fly half Paddy Jackson’s fitness.  Coach Declan Kidney is yet to confirm the No 10 position and Ian Madigan may be called upon.  I’m looking forward to all the matches.  That’s my weekend workout covered!

Photo sourced at: http://bit.ly/154DDX

Write a Short Story, Find the Spring.

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